Using Simple Smudging Techniques

Smudging can help to get rid of negative energy, and it is something that has been used since ancient times as a ceremony. The smoke from different herbs like sage, palo santo and more are useful to get rid of stagnant or negative energy in your space and can help to get rid of bacteria and airborne particles that are unhealthy for you.

Preparing for Smudging

Before you start smudging, you need to make sure that your home is clean and that you have removed all clutter. Here are some things to do before smudging: • Remove clutter.
• Make sure your mind is positive.
• Find a fireproof bowl or tray to catch the fire.
• Open the windows in your home so that the negative energy can leave.
• Light your smudge stick, try sage or a Goddess smudge stick.
• Let it burn for a few seconds and then burn out the flame.
• Say positive affirmations such as, “Bless this home and get rid of negative energy. Fill it with positivity.”
• Walk around the room with your smudge stick. Get into every area and space, especially the corners. Let the smoke fill every inch to get rid of the bad energy.
• As you let the smoke flow, bless each of the rooms.
• Put out the smudge stick with water in your fireproof container.

Smudging Words to Say

You can say these words while you are smudging your home in order to get rid of any other stagnant or negative energy that might be trying to hold on: “I release this room from all negative energy that has come in and out of the home. If there are any negative attachments, I release them as well. Open up the home to new opportunities and new experiences that are good and positive. I welcome our emotions and our thoughts to grow in positive ways. As the good energy comes, push out any negative energy that is causing me to be distracted or confused. I ask for peace to come into the home, and I release the peace. With the smoke, all the energies that aren’t meant to be in the home leave. Any negative energy that has caused fear or worry, leave. The energy that is there can now fill the home with something that will make our souls happy and positive. This is said with a loving heart and so it shall be done.”

Final Thoughts

Smudging is something that has been done since ancient times to help get rid of any negative energies that might be holding on to your home or your space. You can even use smudging to clear out negative energy in your office or your workplace.

Sarah Carson

8 thoughts on “Using Simple Smudging Techniques

  1. Interesting read! Historically, many cultures have used smudging for purification purposes. It’s fascinating how these practices transcend generations! 📚

  2. While I appreciate the traditions behind smudging, isn’t it problematic to claim that negative energy exists? We should focus on psychological well-being instead. 🤔

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